DEZ Services

Etched Marble Countertop Requires Professional Help

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    5. Etched Marble Countertop Requires Professional Help
Client : Residential Homeowner in NE Atlanta, GA
Info :

Remove damage from a white marble countertop that is severely etched.

Marble is a beautiful natural stone and can add so much to the look of a kitchen. However, with frequent use and daily wear and tear, marble, over time, can become dull and etched. (Etching occurs when an acidic substance comes in contact with the marble surface and actually eats away some of the surface causing a rough, dull spot on the surface of the marble.)

Problem: White marble countertop was severely etched and scratched. Over time and daily use, this beautiful marble top lost its shine and beauty.

Solution: Professional honing and polishing to erase damage and restore the luster and shine.

Before anyone laid a polishing pad on the countertop, the DEZ Services & Solutions technician made sure the surrounding walls, floors, and cabinets were protected. Plastic was put up on the walls and base cabinets, plus a combination of plastic and cloth was used on the floor.

With protection in place, the countertop was cleaned with a neutral-based stone cleaner to remove any grease, oil, or kitchen grime. Before the shine could be restored to the finish, the etching and scratches had to be removed. This was done with a set of stone polishing pads. Once the damage was removed and the shine restored, the countertop was cleaned and then resealed to help protect the surface from staining.

Amy, the homeowner, was so thrilled with the end result that she left a great 5 Star Google review:
“DEZS Services was great! Our kitchen countertop looks shiny and new again! Thx so much!”

DEZ Services specializes in etch removal, providing the same dramatic results you see in these images. Whether your natural stone is in your kitchen, bathroom, or another area of your home, we can expertly remove etch marks, leaving your stone as beautiful as the day it was installed. For a FREE estimate in the Atlanta GA metro area, fill out our online CONTACT FORM or call (404) 984-5598 today.
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